
Invest in Benin

Heritage and Tourism | Agriculture | Eletricity | Living Environment


Invest in Burkina Faso

Minig | Transport | Energy | Agro-Industrial Sector | Information and Communication Technology


Invest in Côte d’Ivoire

Agriculture | Mining Infrastructure Electricity Sector


Invest in Egypt

Agribusiness | Infrastructure and Logistics | Renewables and Energy Efficiency Generation | Information and Communication Technology

Invest in Ethiopia

Energy Industrial Parks Development Manufacturing 


Invest in Ghana

Agriculture & Agribusiness Energy Petro-Chemical InustriesFinancial


Invest in Guinea

Energy | Infrastructure | Agriculture | Mining | Living Insfrastructure | Culture and Tourism

Invest in Morocco

Automotive Industry | Aeronautics | Textile and Leather | Offshoring | Electronic | Chemistry and Para-chemistry | Pharmaceutical Industry

Invest in Rwanda

Mining | Infrastructure Development | Electricity Sector

Invest in Senegal

Energy | Agriculture, Fisheries & Food | Digital Economy & Tourism | Logistics & Industrial Regional Hub | Public-Private Partnerships


Invest in Tunisia

Automotive Sector | Aeronautics Industry | Agribusiness | Infrastructure


Invest in Togo

Logisitcs Hub | Agriculture Transformation | Energy| Manufacturing


Further information on infrastructure investment in selected countries can also be found here